Join the SRBA


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Welcome to the largest global community supporting student-run businesses.
Learn, share, launch, build, grow and support life-changing work.

For Organizations

Student-Run Business Organizations (SRBOs)

For students who LEAD.
SRBOs are not owned by students but are held by University affiliated organizations. Students learn by running these companies.

Student-Startup Support Organizations (SOs)

For student organizations who LAUNCH.
SOBOs are businesses and organizations that students start or lead on their own.

For Individuals

Student Startups

For students who LAUNCH.
Student Founder Members are businesses and organizations that students start or lead on their own.

Alumni and Supporters

Our ever-expanding network of alumni provide mentorship and guidance to SRBA students, job opportunities and insights to those seeking support, and access and contribute to the SRBA Community on Slack

Corporate Members

Corporate Members are organizations that support the work of the Student-Run Business Association.

Individual Memberships are 50% OFF for a limited time!!

Your Member Benefits

Monthly Webinars/ Roundtables

Quarterly webinars hosted by the SRBA and led by various association members or supporters are available for students to compare notes, results, and plan for a better quarter.

These events facilitate conversations about common issues faced within SRBOs and create helpful benchmarking opportunities between universities.

Central Database

SRBA members have access to our information database.  

This database includes proven concepts for legal program setup and documentation, tips for building a board, successful business models, collected best practices and research, as well as our member directory.  All of this and more is accessible on this website using your member login.

SURGE Expo Discounts

Each year a member university will host the annual SURGE Expo, regularly attracting dozens of SRB organizations and 100+ student founders and leaders. Members receive up to 90% off regular ticket prices.

SURGE Expo provides an unmatched opportunity for students and staff to discuss common challenges and best practices for improving their programs, businesses, and themselves. Click here to learn more!

SRBA Certifications

The SRBA has established itself as a recognizable name.  

The seal of certification indicates that a program or business offers strong and effective experiential learning opportunities for students. Certified students have an advantage when applying to work for SRBA-affiliated hiring partners, and accredited products benefit from consumer appeal and can be sold at SRBA marketplaces.

SRBA Community

Have a question for a specific student-run business program, but not sure who to contact?  Want to find or share exclusive job opportunities for current students and recent graduates?

You can join hundreds of staff and student leaders, alum, employer-partners and more in the SRBA Community (hosted on Slack).


Head to our Member Hub to learn more!